St. John's Episcopal Church - VTC - Landscape Design 2007

St. John's Episcopal Church in Randolph, Vermont was looking for an updated landscape plan. They wanted a division between their property and the residences either side. This plan also focuses on created public and private gathering spaces for the congregation.
The most private space of St. John's Episcopal Church's landscape plan is an "english garden" for the pastor. This is sectioned off by a picket fence with a field stone path leading to a bench and circling a sun dial to lead into the church offices. Being on the north side the plants are suited to partial shade.

The original gardens of St. John's Episcopal Church were very simple containing trimmed evergreen bushes that were easy to maintain the new design attempts to contain with a low maintenance plan. Along the side walk are stone walls and outside the pastor's garden the other plantings are lilac bushes and some of the existing evergreens.
The public is separated from St. John's Episcopal Church while they are on the side walk by a simple stone wall. The wall also creates a visual foundation grounding the building. The other visible landscaping are the lilac bushes on either side of the church.